Who’s Coming
50th Reunion, Gallaudet Class of 1974
Full list as of: August 13, 2024

August 2024

HEY 74ers: Remember the DEADLINE for our Class of 1974 reunion is fast approaching! Time is precious. We don’t want to pressure you, but you must complete the registration by September 1st by 11:59 PM if you are planning to go to this fun event. Warning: NO ifs, buts or ands!

Here is the latest list of those who had registered as of August 13, 2024.

1 Donalda Ammons 44 Terry Lundborg
2 Frank Aquila 45 Heather McColm
3 Timothy Balfe 46 Lu Warren McComb
4 MJ Bienvenu 47 June Rothenberg McMahon
5 Jim Bishop 48 Virginia Weiner Malzkuhn
6 Robert Born 49 Lorin Melander
7 Brian Brizendine 50 Carla Anne Miller
8 Rob Buckry 51 Clyde Mohan
9 Nancy Lou Burns Donald 52 Judy Pleskatcheck Mohan
10 Ann Billington Cassell 53 Diane Moore
11 Harold Clapp 54 Melinda Chapel Padden
12 Thomas Crowell 55 Marion Parris
13 Linda Hatrak Cundy 56 Mary Spence Parris
14 Elin Dannis 57 Brenda Sue Underwood Pickering
15 David Dobrovech 58 Cheryl Pivorunas
16 Larry Driscoll 59 Jerome Pouliot
17 Michael Dunham 60 Melinda Moore-Reins
18 James Goodwin 61 Michael Reis
19 Beverly Greer 62 Fern Sklar Reisinger
20 Carolyn Emfinger Hallada 63 Karyn Rosner
21 Barbara Duncan Harris 64 Marilyn Smith
22 Valerie Oracion Herbold 65 Robert Sogolow
23 Linda Herenchak 66 Benjamin Soukup
24 Mark Hill 67 Pauline Spanbauer
25 Sunny Ho 68 Gale Doling Thomas
26 Pam Young Holmes 69 Laura Thomas
27 Chuck Hom 70 David Thompson
28 Nyla Brenden Hostin 71 Kathleen Gilland Todd
29 Terry Hostin 72 Patti Jones Trofimenkoff
30 Roman Kazragis 73 Steven Turner
31 Terry Kohut 74 Karen Vlach
32 Judith Blair Kramer 75 Guy Vollmar
33 Scott Kramer 76 Collette Dumas Walker
34 Linda Cox-Kuntze 77 Lemuel Watson
35 Arlene Marsh Kuschmider 78 David Wilcox
36 Sheila Scott Lenham 79 Wanda Witczak
37 Richard Leon 80 Pamela Wojcik
38 Terrance Lewensky 81 Edward Wood
39 Thomas Lewensky 82 Pauline Bienvenu Wood
40 Kathleen Yench Lewis 83 Deborah Worek
41 Vicki Lowen 84 Debbie Bulian Wright
42 Marie Greenstone Lubman 85 James Young
43 Nancy Lasky Lundborg 86 Anna Zuccaro

If you could help, please encourage others who are not listed to register by September first. Thank you.